- 324a Carlisle St, Balaclava, 3163, Victoria, Australia. - Telephone 03 90410103 - Email shelley@littlesparrow.net.au - Open Hours 9.30-5 Mon to Sat

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

...just one more Mum!?

My kids would often say "....just one more Mum!?" 
resulting in five or six books at a time on average, and i loved it. 
I loved all the snuggling on the couch with the stories, and then usually little adjuncts to the stories from the hearts of my kids, 
they always had funny little quirky twists, often reflecting their own day's experience.

Reading to your children is certainly a gift to them...but a bigger gift to you i think!

There are many great yarns and fairytales, picture books and little novels in at Little Sparrow!

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